Monday, October 17, 2011

Depression Chemical Imbalance

Depression Chemical Imbalance

There has been considerable debate about diseases such as depression and anxiety, and whether they represent what some call a "chemical imbalance" and what others say are simply natural reactions to life events. The heart of the problem is really a nature vs. food argument. In this article I explore both sides of the debate and hopefully shed light on the issue.

Nature: the depression chemical imbalance

There is no doubt that our feelings are complex chemical, electrical and neurological processes that occur in our brain. According to those who support the "close" argument, depression, it is theorized, in part due to small amounts of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.

The difficulty is knowing whether to be called an "imbalance" or not. Those who believe that is believed to be through genetics or for long periods of time in unhealthy situations that a person's brain can get "stuck" in a state that simply does not have enough of these neurotransmitters to ensure the stability, a positive emotional state of depression chemical imbalance.

Nurture: Life events and the reaction

The other party does not deny that emotions are chemically, electrically and neurologically based but believes that all emotions are simply the brain's reaction to external events, regardless of severity or consistency of depression / anxiety. If a person tells a joke and 'ride' the other person, technically, the "chemical imbalance" occurs in that person to induce a person to laugh. This is the same with depression. If you are unhappy / uncomfortable situation in your life long enough, you can simply become depressed until the situation is resolved. Grow Party does not believe that the genetic causes is depressed and that is certainly the result of your life experience or situation that causes.

As, Ni depression chemical imbalance

The truth probably lies somewhere in between. If you read enough of the literature tends to see that there are two sides to this issue. The vast majority of people who suffer from depression or anxiety are going through an episode that is transitory in nature and is usually caused by a situation of clear identification or occurrence in their lives. Through the establishment of the matter, this emotional time "effect" as it is resolved and the person continues in their lives.

It is a sub-group, however, which is probably genetically prone to depression or anxiety more than others. Although certain conditions must be present in and around that has grown certainly exacerbate or minimize the condition is "easier" to become depressed / anxious to someone without a tendency to trigger anxious or depressive states.

The question then becomes, is really an imbalance? Well, to be honest the "imbalance" is not quite the right word. What we're talking about a situation in which the brain, either due to genetic / evolutionary tendency, or effect of outside events, does not produce enough serotonin and other neurotransmitters to make a person feel good. As scientists and doctors are not really sure what the correct number / ratio, etc depression chemical imbalance., and are not very clear what the majority of neurotransmitters actually, it is difficult to make the argument that the "imbalance". The "imbalance" word self-understood that there is a right "balance", and this is simply not known and verifiable. Ask your doctor to give you a test to see if your Serotonin is 'balanced' or not, and you get to know you're stupid, because there is no proof.

The solution for depression chemical imbalance

The honest solution is that most people the first course of action must sit with someone who can help deepen the themes of the life of the person and determine if there is anything that causes depression or feelings of anxiety. Often there are "long term" or "big picture" situations, such as a dysfunctional family unit, parents emotionally abusive or removed, etc., which may not be apparent causes of the problems a person's emotional development caused underlying a twisted person to go for years. Identifying the cause of anxiety or depression is not always as obvious as a person is in a bad job or a bad relationship. That's it for this article on depression chemical imbalance, hope you enjoyed!

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